星期五, 三月 06, 2009


一直以来都无法阅读来自wordpress博客的文章。今天在阅读google reader的订阅时,在“浏览资料/查找和搜索供稿/推荐”一栏中,发现了google reader根据我的订阅浏览兴趣向我推荐的“与我的兴趣相投的用户”的博客——英国开放大学Doug Clow的博客(Doug我在开放大学进修时认识,但是没有机会交流,所以对他了解不多。)我立刻就订阅了他的博客。但他的博客用的是wordpress的服务,wordpress国内一直无法访问。今天在google reader里居然能够读到Coug在wordpress的文章,感到非常惊喜!而且,这里显示的不只是文章的摘要!
另外,我通过谷歌金山词霸合作版中的“翻译”下的“翻译网页”,将要翻译的网址输入后,点击进入我正尝试使用的Flock浏览器,选择内容点击右键,继续点击“张贴到博客”,接着选取自己的博客服务Blogger,注册进入博客创建。I'm here!
下面是Doug Clow的“Social media at the OU”:

Social media at the OU
Posted 17 February 2009 by dougclow
Categories: liveblogging,web2
Tags:twitter,facebook,OU,elcommunity,social,cloudworks,rlo,learningobject, engestrom,those-that-tremble-as-if-they-were-mad,oulibrary,folksonomies,platform,ning,openlearn,open2.net,youtube,wenger,communitiesofpractice,courseprofiles

Notes from OU eLearning Community event, 17 February 2009

Sarah Davies and Ingrid Nix are organising the events for the first part of this year.

New eLearning Community Ning site.(哈哈,OU也刚刚开始尝试使用Ning建立自己的学习社区,可惜我们现在无法再访问了,否则,我们小组的活动也会红火起来的。Ning的被封对我们6个会员的小组打击一定不小:-( 而且,OU的这个Ning,我们一样不能访问,:-... )

Social learning objects and Cloudworks - Chris Pegler

Juliette Culver is the developer of Cloudworks .

Chris draws a distinction between ’social object’-oriented networks - delicious, Flickr etc where there's a (learning?) object and more ‘ego-centric’ networks where it's people connecting to people - eg Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. Engeström claims that “social networks consist of people who are connected by a shared object”. Hugh McLeod “The object comes first”. Martin Weller along these lines too. You need something to talk about.

Cloudworks - supports finding, sharing and discussing learning and teaching ideas, experiences and issues. In alpha at the moment. Working well at conferences/events to use as a site for storing discussion and debate.

Wants to see more social conversations around reusable learning objects (RLOs) - metadata.

The OU in Facebook - Stuart Brown and Sam Dick 英国开放大学在FaceBook

Almost all of the room are on Facebook, fewer fans, only 3 or so have the OU Facebook app.

8.5m unique users (accounts) in the UK. Top or second-top site in OU. About 5000 studying/graduated from the OU. Bit report - New Media Consortium/Educause Horizon Report - “Students and faculty continue to view and experience technology very differently”.(两代人使然?学生对新技术的兴趣总是领先于老师的,或许是因为教师巨大的工作压力导致其没有精力探索新技术的使用)

Many motivations for OU in FB. Open University page.

Open University Library - set up a Facebook page. A lot of their Wall traffic (biggest focus) is students looking for others on the same course. Is it a failure of our official web presence/support systems? Or is it understandable that they want a non-official/personal route? Survey of students - bimodal, some really keen on FB, some really hate it. Forum gets traffic too, building up started by students. Analytics (Facebook); 66% female 34% male. (facebook的OU女生用户几乎是男生的一倍!)(Meta-comment: Facebook does age segmentation 13-17, 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45+! Rather lower-focused than many.)

Future plans: staff profiles, resource, helpdesk online chat, find/recommend resources. OU Library alreayd has an iGoogle gadget for searching the catalogue; want to embed in Facebook.(开放大学图书馆已经使用iGoogle的小工具来搜索目录,准备嵌入到Facebook中。)

OU profile page - (possibly) biggest UK university page, >15,600 fans.

OU Facebook apps: My OU story (283 users). Course Profiles (6,222 users - something like 5% of current students, I’d guess). Course Profiles helps with the “who’s studying/has studied course X” issue - can specify previous courses studied, current, future plans. Each course gives you: course details, find a new study buddy, your friends on the course, recommend to a friend, OpenLearn content, comments Wall. My OU Story - mood update, gives you mood history graph too. Post ‘Story’ which is a comment on how you’re doing.

Useful page showing all places where the OU wants to have a conversation with people - ie social networks with an OU presence: Platform, OU podcasts, iTunesU, Facebook, YouTube, OpenLearn, Twitter, Open2.net, Course Reviews.

Data from Facebook apps is available for analysis … Tony Hirst is custodian (of course).

OU online services have a coordinating set of pages.

Setting up a social community site (Ning and Twitter) - Sarah Davies

Again with the division of social networks: object-centric, ego-centric, white-label.

Object-centric(以对象对中心): Flickr, delicious, SumbleUpon, digg, imdb, LibraryThing, Meetup, SecondLife, World of Warcraft. Ego-centric(以自我为中心): Myspace, Facebook, Bebo, LinkedIn. White-label(白标签): Ning, Elgg. But categories are blurred.

Review of typical features of sites. Analysis of sites as communities of practice - Lave and Wenger - Peripheral (lurker潜水者), inbound (novice新手), insider (regular常客) boundary (leader领导), outbound (elder 老手).

Twitter overview. Tag tweets with #elcommunity to appear on eLC Ning site.

Ning overview. Demo of new eLearning Community Ning site. Originally set up for talk for ALs on Web 2.0 tools.(OU创办eLearning Coummunity Ning的初衷是为了与辅导教师讨论web2.0工具的使用。这不正是我希望了解的吗?!)

Work/social life mix. Intrusion/time intensity. Balance/tradeoff between VLE/OU-hosted stuff and external services.

注解:白标签的概念:white label是由音樂創作出發延伸的概念。

星期二, 三月 03, 2009


视频3 Steps for 21st Century Learning开篇第一句就是美国未来学家阿尔文·托夫勒于上世纪80年在《第三次浪潮》中所预言的我们耳熟能详的那句话:“21世纪的文盲不再是那些不会读写的人,而是那些不会学习的人”。21世纪学生必须学会的读写技巧有哪些呢?那就是:竞争、协作与合作能力。那么,我们的学生跟谁竞争?跟谁协作?跟谁合作呢?我们如何帮助学生成为21世纪有文化素养的学习者呢?我们怎么能够将我们的学生介绍给他们全球的同侪呢?我们从何开始?
我们必须教会学生与他们自己竞争、与他人协作。营造团队必须是每位教师所授课程的一个组成部分,因为:只有当学生与那些分享他们的学习空间的人在一起有安全感,学习才会发生。之所以要教学生掌握协作技巧和合作学习,是因为学习是社会性的。John Holt曾经说过:学习最大的敌人是谈论教师。
找到并与全球的学习者进行联系(工具有:the global schoolhouse,Friendship through Education, ePaLs)。首先,进行个性化,让学生进行个别交流;然后,规划班级合作项目。如果我们的学生不学着同全球的同侪进行协作和合作,他们怎么能够与全球的人才进行竞争呢?下列工具能够让学生建立联系,学习合作并增强合作能力:Skype、Ningdel.icio.usFacebook、Google Doc、BloggerWikispacesPodOmatic


星期一, 三月 02, 2009


美国堪萨斯州立大学副教授Michael Wesch被誉为“星球上最酷的人”,以及“世界奇人”。他获得了肯尼迪基金颁发的“2008年度美国教授”的称号。在2008年6月23日,他在国会图书馆做了关于“An anthropological introduction to YouTube”的讲座。

0:00 Introduction, YouTube's Big Numbers
2:00 Numa Numa and the Celebration of Webcams
5:53 The Machine is Us/ing Us and the New Mediascape
12:16 Introducing our Research Team
12:56 Who is on YouTube?
13:25 What's on Youtube? Charlie Bit My Finger, Soulja Boy, etc.
17:04 5% of vids are personal vlogs addressed to the YouTube community, Why?
17:30 YouTube in context. The loss of community and "networked individualism" (Wellman)
18:41 Cultural Inversion: individualism and community
19:15 Understanding new forms of community through Participant Observation
21:18 YouTube as a medium for community
23:00 Our first vlogs
25:00 The webcam: Everybody is watching where nobody is ("context collapse")
26:05 Re-cognition and new forms of self-awareness (McLuhan)
27:58 The Anonymity of Watching YouTube: Haters and Lovers
29:53 Aesthetic Arrest
30:25 Connection without Constraint
32:35 Free Hugs: A hero for our mediated culture
34:02 YouTube Drama: Striving for popularity
34:55 An early star: emokid21ohio
36:55 YouTube's Anthenticity Crisis: the story of LonelyGirl15
39:50 Reflections on Authenticity
41:54 Gaming the system / Exposing the System
43:37 Seriously Playful Participatory Media Culture (featuring Us by blimvisible: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yxHKg...
47:32 Networked Production: The Collab. MadV's "The Message" and the message of YouTube
49:29 Poem: The Little Glass Dot, The Eyes of the World
51:15 Conclusion by bnessel1973
52:50 Dedication and Credits (Our Numa Numa dance)
更多信息请看: http://mediatedcultures.net


TrendsSpotting网站提供的系列幻灯片“影响因素的预言”的第一期是“2009年社会性媒体的发展趋势” Issue 1 - Social Media Trends 2009


TrendsSpotting网站 搜集了各位专家的预言,他们对影响2009年技术和IT发展趋势的各种因素进行了预测。这些因素包括:苹果apple, 应用applications, 消费者行为consumer behavior, 大众资源crowdsourcing, 焦点小组focus group, 谷歌google, 影响者influencers, 信息information, 网络行为internet behavior, iphone, 微软microsoft, 预言prediction, 购买purchase, 搜索search, 趋势述评trends review, 趋势发现trends spots,趋势测点行为trends spotting behavior等。