星期二, 十二月 30, 2008


首先进入firefox中文主页/下载扩展软件/点击扩展栏目/点击论坛/找到常见问题与解决办法/,果然在条目中看到:29.Firefox 播放在线视频、音频的解决方法?接着点击,找到:为什么用Firefox不能正常浏览某些网页?终于看到庐山真面目:在线音频与视频。哈哈~~原来,firefow要播放音频、视频文件需要相关的插件,这就是——Mediawrap! OK,问题找到,解决它就简单了,下载、安装,一切OK!乌拉!网上视频终于有声音了!

星期四, 十二月 11, 2008



首先,从火狐浏览器的栏目“工具”下,点击“附加组件”,再点击“扩展”,从中找到“Awesome highlighter”,然后安装它。安装完毕重新启动浏览器后,会在地址栏右侧发现一个新图标:





星期日, 十一月 16, 2008


今天从Elearning space上看到一个帖子,称加拿大曼尼托巴大学于11月17日要开出一门介绍新型学习技术的课程。从对该课程的描述看:
Final week to register for the first course in University of Manitoba’s is offering a Certificate in Emerging Technologies for Learning: Introduction to Emerging Technologies (starts November 17). I’m co-facilitating the course with Dave Cormier…so I’m looking forward to a great course!
From the course description (.pdf): “New technologies offer new opportunities for educators to increase learner engagement and improve the overall value of the learning experience. The last five years have resulted in the introduction of numerous new tools and approaches: blogs, wikis, podcasts, social bookmarking, virtual worlds, and social networking services. This course will explore the development of different technologies and suggest their potential impact on teaching and learning. Focus will be placed on tools that increase learner control over content, interaction, and the formation of learning networks with peers and experts outside of classrooms.” Posted in Uncategorized.

星期一, 十月 27, 2008





C:\Documents and Settings\用户名\Cookies\下的所有文件(保留index文件)
C:\Documents and Settings\用户名\Local Settings\Temp\下的所有文件(用户临时文件)
C:\Documents and Settings\用户名\LocalSettings\TemporaryInternet Files\下的所有文件(页面文件)
C:\Documents and Settings\用户名\Local Settings\History\下的所有文件(历史纪录)
C:\Documents and Settings\用户名\Recent\下的所有文件(最近浏览文件的快捷方式)
C:\WINDOWS\Driver Cache\i386下的压缩文件(驱动程序的备份文件)

3.如果对系统进行过windoes updade升级,则删除以下文件:
C:\windows\下以 $u... 开头的隐藏文件




7、在各种软硬件安装妥当之后,其实XP需要更新文件的时候就很少了。删除系统备份文件吧:开始→运行→sfc.exe /purgecache近3xxM。(该命令的作用是立即清除"Windows 文件保护"文件高速缓存,释放出其所占据的空间)

8、删掉\windows\system32\dllcache下dll档(减去200——300mb),这是备用的dll档, 只要你已拷贝了安装文件,完全可以这样做。
9、删除不用的输入法:对很多网友来说,Windows XPt系统自带的输入法并不全部都合适自己的使用,比如IMJP8_1 日文输入法、IMKR6_1 韩文输入法这些输入法,如果用不着,我们可以将其删除。输入法位于\windows\ime\文件夹中,全部占用了88M的空间。




14、卸载不常用组件:XP默认给操作系统安装了一些系统组件,而这些组件有很大一部分是你根本不可能用到的,可以在"添加/删除Windows 组件"中将它们卸载。但其中有一些组件XP默认是隐藏的,在"添加/删除Windows 组件"中找不到它们,这时可以这样操作:用记事本打开\windows\inf\sysoc.inf这个文件,用查找/替换功能把文件中的"hide"字符全部替换为空。这样,就把所有组件的隐藏属性都去掉了,存盘退出后再运行"添加-删除程序",就会看见多出不少你原来看不见的选项,把其中那些你用不到的组件删掉(记住存盘的时候要保存为sysoc.inf,而不是默认的sysoc.txt),如Internat信使服务、传真服务、Windows messenger,码表等,大约可腾出近50MB的空间。

15、清除系统临时文件:系统的临时文件一般存放在两个位置中:一个Windows安装目录下的Temp文件夹;另一个是 C:\Documents and Settings"用户名"\Local Settings\Temp文件夹(Y:是系统所在的分区)。这两个位置的文件均可以直接删除。

16、清除Internet临时文件:定期删除上网时产生的大量Internet临时文件,将节省大量的硬盘空间。打开IE浏览器,从"工具"菜单中选择 "Internet选项",在弹出的对话框中选择"常规"选项卡,在"Internet临时文件"栏中单击"删除文件"按钮,并在弹出"删除文件"对话框,选中"删除所有脱机内容"复选框,单击"确定"按钮。

17、清除预读文件:Windows XP的预读设置虽然可以提高系统速度,但是使用一段时间后,预读文件夹里的文件数量会变得相当庞大,导致系统搜索花费的时间变长。而且有些应用程序会产生死链接文件,更加重了系统搜索的负担。所以,应该定期删除这些预读文件。预计文件存放在Windows XP系统文件夹的Prefetch文件夹中,该文件夹下的所有文件均可删除。

18、压缩NTFS驱动器、文件或文件夹:如果你的硬盘采用的是NTFS文件系统,空间实在紧张,还可以考虑启用NTFS的压缩功能。右击要压缩的驱动器-"属性"-"常规"-"压缩磁盘以节省磁盘空间",然后单击"确定", 在"确认属性更改"中选择需要的选项。这样可以节省约20% 的硬盘空间。在压缩C盘的时候,最好在安全模式下压缩,这样效果要好一些。

19、关闭华医生Dr.Watson:要关闭Dr.Watson可打开注册表编辑器,找到"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug"分支,双击其下的Auto键值名称,将其"数值数据"改为0,最后按F5刷新使设置生效,这样就取消它的运行了。也在"开始"->"运行"中输入"drwtsn32"命令,或者"开始"->"程序"- >"附件"->"系统工具"->"系统信息"->"工具"->"Dr Watson",调出系统里的华医生Dr.Watson ,只保留"转储全部线程上下文"选项,否则一旦程序出错,硬盘会读很久,并占用大量空间。如以前有此情况,请查找user.dmp文件,删除后可节省几十 MB空间。


21、取消XP对ZIP支持:Windows XP在默认情况下打开了对zip文件支持,这要占用一定的系统资源,可选择"开始→运行",在"运行"对话框中键入"regsvr32 /u zipfldr.dll",回车确认即可取消XP对ZIP解压缩的支持,从而节省系统资源。


23、关掉不用的设备:Windows XP总是尽可能为电脑的所有设备安装驱动程序并进行管理,这不仅会减慢系统启动的速度,同时也造成了系统资源的大量占用。针对这一情况,你可在设备管理器中,将PCMCIA卡、调制解调器、红外线设备、打印机端口(LPT1)或者串口(COM1)等不常用的设备停用,方法是双击要停用的设备,在其属性对话框中 的"常规"选项卡中选择"不要使用这个设备(停用)"。在重新启动设置即可生效,当需要使用这些设备时再从设备管理器中启用它们。




b.将"我的文档"文件夹都转到其他分区:在桌面的"我的文档"图标上是右击鼠标,选择"属性"->"移动" ;




一般windows XP默认情况下是利用C盘的剩余空间来做虚拟内存的,因此,C盘的剩余空间越大,对系统运行就越好,虚拟内存是随着你的使用而动态地变化的,这样C盘就容易产生磁盘碎片,影响系统运行速度,所以,最好将虚拟内存设置在其它分区,如D盘中。查看虚拟内存设置情况如下:




星期六, 十月 25, 2008








两个孩子因付不起区区百来元的学费而被迫缀学在家,过早地肩负起了生活的重担,对他们来说,100多元钱的学 费竟如天文数字。


这张照片最大的现实意义不在于它揭示了 社会巨大的贫富反差,更让人 揪心的还在于--当这两个孩子长大之后, 我们又该用什么来保证他们所代表 的两个阶层的和睦相处?



星期四, 十月 02, 2008


我最近在试用一些免费的工具软件,常去善用佳软并看了xbeta的BLOG,上面有各类免费软件的介绍和使用经验的一些文章,其中两篇综合内容不错:『重装Windows,只用53款全免费软件:上 / 』和『xbeta精心荐精品之免费软件列表』,可以了解一下。并且您还可以看看后一篇文章的思维导图版。(『思维导图』——一种分支结构关系图的在线应用,也算是社会性软件吧。)这两篇文章介绍的免费软件很多,根据我估计的您的应用,可能常用的软件推荐方案如下:

* Office:OOo——Open Office,替代MsOffice。
* 图形编辑:GIMP,替代PhotoShop。(我在用ubuntu Linux的时候用过此软件,实在是太强大了,PhotoShop应该为自己卖3380而羞愧啊。)文章中还提到的其他一些图形编辑软件,比较小巧、简单,可以作为微软画笔的替代软件。
* 看图:XnView,替代AcdSee。
* 网络浏览:FireFox,替代IE。(这个出于安全考虑而非费用,不过此方案非全代替,有些地方如网络银行只能用IE)。
* PDF阅读:Foxit Reader,替代Adobe的PDFReader。(这个是出于对资源的节约,两者都是免费的,只是体积相差30倍)。
* 病毒防护:Avast! (有官方中文版)或者 Antivirus ,两者都有免费版本(一般叫Home版或者Free版)且仅需email免费注册申请序列号即可。我自己使用Avast!。(文章中提到的更好的AVG Antivirus我也用过,比较复杂,不太喜欢。)
* 防火墙软件:Comodo Firewall 。文章中称赞此软件为最佳的防火墙软件(我刚刚开始使用),之前一直用国产的安全卫士360,主要用来防治木马,也还不错。此Comodo Firewall最新版本只有英文版,安装后也无需注册(安装的时候注意一些选项,默认的情况下可能会被安装一些没什么用的插件和浏览器工具条)。除此之外,世界排名总是第一的ZoneAlarm防火墙也出了一个免费版,功能非常单一,但总比没有强。
* 刻录软件:burnatonce 或者 CDBurnerXP 或者 burnaware 。综合使用的话CDBurnerXP很好用。这些我都用过,现在主要使用burnatonce来刻录音乐CD。


* 影音播放:K-Lite Mega Codec Pack ,写Email的时候是4.1.7版。严格说来这不是影音播放软件,而是影音解码器综合包——几乎囊括了全部的影音解码器和字幕软件,以及一个强大且小巧的经典播放软件——Media Player Classic。安装他之后不用再安装或者激活其他任何视频播放软件了(如微软的Media Player和Real Player),网上下载的任何格式的视频基本上都能直接播放。使用方法是打开Media Player Classic,然后将视频文件拖放到此程序窗口中,或者直接双击需要播放的视频文件(不过我忘记默认安装是否关联了此程序,没有关联则需要手动设置,哈哈)。这个软件其实还有另外一个更流行的版本:K-Lite Codec Pack,这个缺少Mega字样,也缺少了对rm/rmvb(通常需要另行安装Real Player进行播放)的支持。作为最常使用的家庭娱乐软件之一,这类综合解码器还有国产的暴风影音和影音风暴(两个名字就是这样,哈哈),两者都是模仿K-Lite风格的软件,也是不错的选择。
* 日程管理(便签、即时贴):AisNote , 给的链接是下载页面,表格第二项就是他的中文版下载。不知道用过微软Office Outlook这个email客户端没有?它上面就带一样很好用的『任务』功能,拥有任务列表、提醒、完成状况等。AisNote的功能就类似这个,只是将任务做成了即时贴,允许贴(显示)在屏幕上(默认是不贴的),日程管理和提醒功能强大。我用着不如Outlook的地方就是缺少分类和优先级控制,所以这个软件更像一个提醒软件,不过对大多数人来说这就够了。(Google的定制主页:iGoogle上也提供有很多类似功能的在线工具(需要登录设置自己的主页,然后点击『添加内容』——可以添加的东西实在太多了),属于WEB级别的应用,功能简单,好处是只要能上网的地方就能看到自己的任务和便签)。

免费的文本编辑器,我推荐gVim (官方下载 官方提供中文界面,另外这里提供官方的中文帮助安装版1.6——通过gVim主页中的Translations页可以连接到),这里是一片关于此软件的入门简介。gVIM是Linux操作系统下的默认编辑软件,也是从UNIX操作系统下的默认编辑软件VI发展而来。这个软件我实在不好评价,因为我还没有用熟(正在学习中),但是我只是知道他功能实在太强大了,能和他相提并论的只有Emacs(这个软件就是一个怪物了,用它后就只需:开机—>Emacs—>关机。也就是说在这个"文本编辑器"中你可以做任何事情而无需回到操作系统中),有人这么评价这两个编辑器:Emacs是给黑客用的,而gVim是程序员的编辑器。(这里推荐gVim的原因还有一点是Emacs在Windows下使用不够友好。)想学好gVim我还有一个建议是务必学会『正则表达式』,这个在文本处理、程序和脚本编写中会非常有用。这里有『正则表达式入门教程』可以收藏,以便用时边用边学。


程序员最佳网站:CSDN (这四个字母几乎可以代表一种文化),上面的论坛社区是国内最好的程序员社区,还有BLOG、空间、文档等栏目,都是好地方。从起步到专家,这里面全都有适合的地方。请去注册一个CSDN帐户吧。
外甥 2008-9-28

星期日, 九月 21, 2008

Top 25 tools - 最值得拥有的25个免费工具


25 Tools
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: learning tools)

Links to more information about the Tools

1. Firefox - a web browser plus extensions
2. delicious - a social bookmarking tool
3. Google Reader - an RSS reader
4. gMail (or Google Mail) webmail
5. Skype - instant messenger and voice call tool
6. Google Calendar - an online calendar
7. Google Docs -an online office suite
8. iGoogle - a personal start page tool
9. Slideshare - a presentation sharing tool
10. flickr - an image hosting and sharing tool
11. Voicethread - a collaborative slideshow tool
12. Wordpress - a blogging tool
13. Audacity - an audio/podcasting tool
14. YouTube -a video hosting and sharing tool
15. Jing - a screen capture and screencasting tool
16. PBwiki - a wiki tool
17. PollDaddy - a polling tool
18. Nvu - a web authoring tool
19. Yugma - a web meeting tool
20. Ustream - a live broadcasting tool
21. Ning - a (private) social networking tool
22. Freemind - a mind mapping tool
23. eXe - a course authoring tool
24. Moodle - a course management system
25. twitter - a microblogging tool

星期六, 九月 20, 2008


Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies(C4LPT是一个关注学习2.0时代的知识、技能和工具的网站。该网站追踪学习的发展趋势、技术及工具的变化,以便帮助学习者理解这些技术与工具,并为了正式以及非正式学习目的,能将这些技术及工具成功地运用于他们的组织。另外,还可以促进学习者效率的提升,绩效的改进。








Tools for creating, delivering and managing learning and performance support solutions
Blogging tools 81 71


Broadcasting tools 9 9


Calendars, Event & Meeting Scheduling 38 33 6
Charting tools 3 3


Chat and shoutbox tools 58 38


Content management tools 29 25


Course authoring tools 82 17


Course & Learning (Content) Management System 134 48


Discussion forum (text and voice) tools 18 15


Document, spreadsheet & database tools 84 63


E-Book tools 27 15


EPSS and Help Desk tools 7 0


File hosting/sharing tools (for documents, photos, audio) 82 79 8
Gradebook tools 6 1


Interactivity tools 34 20


Study Pack creators 1 1


Learning games and simulation tools 18 5


Media creation and editing tools (for graphics, images, audio, video) 97 75


Microblogging/Real-time messaging tools 14 14 1
Mobile learning authoring tools 10 8


PDF converters and editors 35 23


Podcasting tools 70 45


Polling and survey tools 61 45


Presentation tools 90 32 60
Presentation hosting and sharing tools 31 27 6
Quizzing and testing tools 47 23


RSS Feed tools 34 32


Screen capture, screencasting and software demo tools 61 24


Social networking (and community) tools 57 33 24
Story-telling/Comic strip/Screenwriting tools 6 6


Video tools, hosting and sharing sites 44 44


Virtual world tools 35 23


Web authoring tools (and HTML editors) 64 45


Web conferencing (and screen sharing) tools 77 35


Widgets and accessories for web and blog pages 82 76


Wiki tools 60 50


Tools for managing your own learning and productivity, for sharing resources, as well as group collaboration (also includes some enterprise tools)
Browsers, Extensions, Toolbars and Players 96 92


Calculators 13 12


Desktops (Online and Shared) & Remote Access Tools 12 11


Email, SMS, Voice & Video Messaging tools 72 55


Instant Messaging, Voice and Video Call tools 85 72


Mapping tools 12 11


Mind mapping and brainstorming tools 29 18


Mobile device tools (for phones, iPods, PDAs. etc) 49 46


Note Taking/Sharing and Whiteboard tools 59 56 5
PDF readers 4 3


Personal Information Managers / GTD Organisers 61 49


Personal Productivity tools 114 93


(Re)search tools 46 45


RSS/Feed readers & Alerts 60 56


Social Bookmarking tools 84 82 3
Social Networks 26 26


Start Pages 33 33


Team, Group, Collaboration and other Sharing tools 103 63


星期一, 九月 01, 2008

4个在线制作幻灯演示的工具 (转贴)

不是所有人都有能力使用微软的 PowerPoint 制作幻灯片,价钱是一个方面,还有操作系统兼容问题。ReadWriteWeb 为我们推荐了4个用来在线制作幻灯片的地方。

Zoho Show 2.0

Zoho Show 2.0 是一个非常出色的在线演示制作服务,拥有快速制作演示幻灯片的最好的功能,拥有大量主题,大量选项定制你的演示。RWW 曾登过一篇关于该服务的深度评测

Google Docs

Google Docs 的用户可以使用该服务快速制作演示幻灯片。虽然也有主题和选项供选,但 Google 的简化风格会让你觉得很难用,很多选项都有不少限制。

280 Slides

280 Slides 是一个非常干净的在线演示制作工具,它也没有很多主题和选项供选,用户也无法上载自己的主题图片,但你可以从 Flickr 和 Youtube 获取图片和视频加到演示文稿中,该服务最大的特色是你可以将最终的作品以 PowerPoint 2007 格式下载。


SlideRocket 算得上是最好的在线幻灯制作工具,RWW 有两篇文章介绍过该服务,our review of SlideRocket 以及 SlideRocket product tour.

中文翻译来源:COMSHARP CMS 官方网站 文章来自:中文业界资讯站http://www.cnbeta.com/articles/58631.htm

星期日, 八月 31, 2008

E-Learning 2.0的趋势与影响

视频是Stephen Downes在《台湾2007年开放式课程与数位学习创新应用国际研讨会》上所做的关于“Trends and Impacts of E-Learning 2.0”的演讲。


星期五, 八月 29, 2008




星期二, 八月 26, 2008


今晨收看订阅的OUseful.info邮件,看到其受纽约时报利用IBM的Many Eyes所作的视觉化交互式浏览北京奥运金牌榜的启发,也用IBM的Many Eyes制作了多种Treemaps视觉形式的奥运金牌榜。
通过google查阅Many Eyes又发现了台湾的“創新使用者互動介面研究 (UIUI)”,由该博客又发现了TinEye图片搜索引擎。




星期一, 八月 25, 2008


SlideBoom——Share Live PowerPoint Presentations Online

星期五, 七月 25, 2008


Zaid Ali Alsagoff根据几年来他对高等教育的观察、自身的体验、学习及阅读,总结出构成优质教学的十项秘诀。然后利用三个工具(PowerPoint, Adobe Presente, Windows Movie Maker)将该体会制作成一个slidecast发布在TeacherTube上。
这三个软件的分工是:利用PowerPoint制作幻灯片,利用Adobe Presente录制声音,利用Windows Movie Maker再将利用前两个工具制作的PNG格式文件转换成的幻灯片与Mp3格式的声音文件进行整合,最后分别在YouTube、TeacherTube和Google Video上进行发布。

1. Passion激情:
“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires."-William Arthur Ward.
2. Explore探索:
“The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of young minds.” Anatole France.
3. Engage参与:
“After ten minutes, students attention will steadily drop, do something emotionally relevant at each 10 minute mark to regain attention.” Dr. John Medina
4. AHA啊哈:
Learning Pyramid. Students attention from passive to active: Lecture, Reading, Audiovisual, Demonstration, Discussion Group, Practice by Doing, Teaching Others.
第一项,即优质的教学是富有激情的,就像William Arthur Ward所说,平庸的老师只是告诉学生事实,好老师只是解释疑惑,优秀的教师是证明原理,而伟大的教师则是激发学生的热情。

星期六, 七月 19, 2008



1.英国布拉福德大学(Bradford University)应用Ning创建了供学生网上会面、交谈的网站:Develop me-develop me, support me, engage me! 发展自己——发展自己,支持自己、投入自己。

2.英国威尔士大学(Wales University, Newport)应用Ning创建的Newspace是一个帮助新生和潜在的学生了解该大学的一个社会性网络站点,学生证未注册入学前都可以成为网站会员。

星期日, 七月 06, 2008

University Learning = OCW + OER = FREE!

最近从diigo中发现了很多有用的资源。今天从Cool Tools & Ed Tech组中发现了马来西亚Ali Alsagoff先生的博客文章University Learning = OCW + OER = FREE! ,他编辑组织了与他的大学相关的大量的“开放课件”OpenCourseWare (OCW)和“开放教育资源”Open Educational Resources (OER)链接。该文章会随着他的工作的进展而更新,很值得关注!

星期一, 六月 30, 2008



星期日, 六月 29, 2008

Explore the OU-1

The Open University is the top one of distance educational universities in the whole world. So we would find the developing situations and trends of the world distance education through exploring its current events and activities. My focus is on what they are doing in learning2.0.
The following list is about the OU in my del.icio.us:
1.Open Learning - Openlearn - The Open University
3.Safari- information literacy programme in the OU
4.The Open University on iTunes U
5.BBC/OU Op en2.net
Open2.net is the online learning portal from The Open University and the BBC.
6.Podcasts from The Open University
7.the IET Public Wiki



星期三, 六月 04, 2008


3.清除方法:采用手动修改注册表法,开始菜单->运行->regedit->确定,打开注册表编辑工具,按如下顺序依次打开:HKEY_LOCAL_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main分支,找到StartPage键值名(用来设置默认首页),在右窗口点击右键进行修改即可。按F5键刷新生效。

星期日, 六月 01, 2008







360doc的弹出窗口无论是修改“工具”中的禁用“弹出窗口阻止程序”,还是在“Internet选项/隐私”中填入360doc网址,使其成为总是被允许访问的站点,或单击工具条中“拦截”按钮等,都无法使360doc弹出窗口现身。最后从google中的“Toolbar for Internet Explorer”中,发现了解决之道。非常简单,仅需两个步骤,一切问题就迎刃而解:
1.Visit the site and click the Pop-up blocker button. 访问你要去的网站(当然是需要弹出窗口的网站),点击google的“弹出拦截按钮”。

The button text changes to read Popups okay, indicating that the Pop-up blocker has been disabled on that site.

2.If the Pop-up blocker is preventing a new window from opening, you can press the Ctrl key while clicking a link to let a new window open from a "blocked" site.如果弹出阻止钮阻止了新窗口的打开,你可以在点击连接的时候,按着Ctrl键,这样新窗口就从打开了。



CNET上推荐了167中协作工具(Collaboration Tools),其中免费的有40种。
1.CrossLoop 2.11 build 2008
Share your screen with another user quickly and easily.
2.TeamLeader 2008 235.1
Collaborate and manage small-business teams.
3. Free Intranet/Web Calendar 1.1
Track events and event details via the Internet or local area network.
4. Gogrok 1
Share real-time data with voice over the Internet.
5. UVC 5.1
Combine instant messaging and chat with personal organization features.


The Best Collaboration Tools
1.Business Productivity

Handshake is the place to meet your next friend, programmer, project manager, accountant, interface designer and more. By adding someone as a contact here, you can collaborate online in 8apps. Handshake is social networking with purpose.

BlueTie.com is a free Web-based email, calendaring, and file sharing for new and growing businesses. Each account includes up to 20 users with domain name support.

Business IT Online offers free online small business software applications that take away the need for a costly networked IT solution. It provides the host, maintain it, upgrade it, secure it and back it up so all you need to do is use it. Among the applications are the following:

8 apps calendar

* Calendar Online - an integrated online scheduling application to help you manage your personal activities and track team and resource availability.

8 apps cashflow

* Cash Flow management software enables you to stay on top of your finances and avoid the number one reason why small businesses go out of business.

8 apps contacts

* Contacts Online keeps a secure and easily accessible central database of business contacts for your team. Business IT Online’s unique contact filter allows you to store contacts as individuals or companies and find the contact details you need, much faster.

8 apps documents

* Documents Online If you want to work from home as well as the office, it might seem like a distant dream to be able to access all of your important files from multiple locations. Business IT Online is your solution.

8 apps marketing

* Marketing Online is a free online business profile (a ‘BIO’) to promote your products and services and win new business.

Central Desktop is a full work suite for project teams including spreadsheets, file sharing, calendar and more. It was created for business teams, not the IT department. That is why no technical knowledge or programming experience is required.

Colligo software enables mobile teams equipped with wireless capable laptops to instantly and securely network together no matter where they are working - at the client site or on the road. Once connected, they can share files, share an Internet connection, share a printer, collaborate on a document, chat, compare calendars and much more.

Concept Share allows you to easily share designs inside Workspaces that contain designs related to a certain topic or project. It’s easy to invite people into a workspace. Invite team members, managers, clients, and consultants to add and reply to comments, chat and markup designs. People do not have to be in the workspace at the same time to contribute. Workspace members can log-in anytime to any workspace they are member. If members do happen to be in the workspace at the same time they can collaborate with real-time chat and real-time comment updates and concept updates.

Confluence is an enterprise wiki that makes it easy for your team to collaborate and share knowledge. Adding, sharing and finding content has never been easier. These benefits come with all the additional features needed to make it a part of your business: enterprise security, simple installation and management, user-friendly WYSIWYG interface, powerful tools for structuring and searching your wiki, professional features such as PDF export and automated refactoring, and more.

Contact Office allows to easily manage your data (emails, contacts, meetings, documents, tasks, …) in your virtual office from any computer with a Web browser and an Internet connection. Share your data and access shared data efficiently in the context of work or leisure groups. Your data are safe and available anytime on the Web, on a PDA (online or offline) or on a WAP capable cell phone.

Copper is a web-based project management and collaboration tool used by teams to share and manage clients, projects, tasks, files, contacts and events quickly and easily.
Used by leading organizations like Apple, Cisco, Praystation, and Ogilvy One, yet affordable for all business sizes, discover how Copper can help your business by signing up for your free trial.

CrossLoop is a free secure screen sharing utility designed for people of all technical skill levels. CrossLoop extends the boundaries of VNC’s traditional screen sharing by enabling non-technical users to get connected from anywhere on the Internet in seconds without changing any firewall or router settings. It only takes a few minutes to setup and no signup is required.

Eloops software includes project management, calendar, data backup, and social networking software.

Foldera is a free and intuitive filing system of web-based folders that automatically organizes your work WHILE you work. Whether you work alone or in a workgroup environment, Foldera is super easy to use and makes working with multiple files and people seem practically effortless.

Google Docs & Spreadsheets is a free web-based word processing and spreadsheet program that keeps documents current and lets the people you choose update files from their own computers. You can, for example, coordinate your student group’s homework assignments, access your family to-do list from work or home, or collaborate with remote colleagues on a new business plan. Google Docs & Spreadsheets allows you to import your existing documents and spreadsheets, or to create new ones from scratch. You can edit your documents from anywhere. Google Docs & Spreadsheets accepts most popular file formats, including DOC, XLS, ODT, ODS, RTF, CSV, etc. Besides, you can publish your documents and spreadsheets online with one click, as normal-looking web pages, without having to learn anything new.

Huddle is a network of secure online spaces that combine powerful document, project and team tools with the simplicity of social networking site. It is ideal for brands, advertising, marketing, PR, design, legal and accountancy companies as well as freelancers and consultants. Use huddle to manage multiple projects from one interface, securely share and approve documents, deliver superior client service and add value to your existing relationships.

Joyent is run by, and for, people who love publishing on the Web. Design, develop and deploy applications using our collaboration software, data backup services and on-demand computing solutions. The ease with which Joyent solutions scale to meet increased demand allows startups and developers to focus on growing their business – instead of watching over their servers.

long jump

LongJump is a dynamic business applications that manage and coordinate teams and information. The LongJump Catalog provides affordable, web-based applications you can subscribe to that power your business. It makes it easy to centralize your business data to share with your team, while also automating common business processes. Customize or create your own applications that address your unique business needs without writing a single line of code.

Mindquarry is an Open Source collaborative software platform for file sharing (documents, images, media files, etc.), task and project management, team collaboration and Wiki editing that meshes simplicity and functionality. As a result, knowledge workers are able to connect with team members and share information from wherever they are, effectively improving team-work and increasing productivity within the company.

Near-Time integrates wikis, weblogs, and file-sharing to deliver the fastest ROI for your collaboration investments.

Nexo is a free service that allows groups to collaborate online. Groups can share interactive calendars, pictures, videos, tasks, polls, comments, blogs, files and much more.

Octopz contains a full range of powerful features to enhance effective online collaboration including: one-click participation (recipients of an email invitation simply click on a link to join the virtual Meeting Room), on-screen annotation, support for digital Media/Content,
Text Messaging/VoIP/Webcams, archiving, administrative tools, and more.

OpenTeams.com is web-hosted collaborative software to foster a more innovative culture. In addition to project collaboration, blogging, social networking, community building, and knowledge management, OpenTeams is an innovative initiative development solution where employees collaboratively seed and mature new ideas for additional revenue, productivity, and cost-savings.

QuickBase.com is flexible online working application. With QuickBase from Intuit, your team finally has an easy way to organize, track and share information - all from a single web site. Watch productivity soar with QuickBase’s customizable online workgroup applications.

PlanHQ.com is an online business planning tool that takes your plan away from being a static document and turns it into a dynamic and up-to-date overview of where you’ve been, where you are and where you’re going. With PlanHQ, your business plan changes as your business changes, not just once or twice a year. Your whole team is actively involved in creating your plan and can align and prioritize all their work against goals. This means that everyone is always working to plan and ensures you achieve your goals.

ProjectSpaces is a simple, secure and powerful web-based workspace to help your project teams, workgroups, committees, partners, and others quickly and easily connect, share and collaborate. ProjectSpaces is easy to use and can be set up in just a few minutes. It was created for the average computer user - not techno geeks. You can share documents with project team members regardless of geographic constraints. At one glance, view and access your most recent tasks, announcements, events and discussions on your project homepage. Participants have the ability to directly update status of their tasks and other information.

Solodox allows to create a document right in your browser. Edit on any machine you can find anywhere. You can create a project for your group. Invite members to read or edit the project.
Share your document with your friends. Do a simultaneous editing with your friends.
Download documents as HTML/RTF/Word/Text file to the machine of yourself. Solodox supports English, Japanese and Chinese.

TeamWorkLive is an intuitive, secure, web-based project management and collaboration tool. It helps you run your projects more efficiently, promotes collaboration and accountability among team members, and makes your clients happier through increased transparency. TeamWork Live is hosted so there is no software to install or support. All you need to get started is a web browser and an Internet connection.

TheOpenDoc is a free collaborative application, that enables teams to work efficiently together over the Internet. Through workspaces you can easily create and share with friends, business partners and colleagues.

Thinkature is a real-time collaboration application for the web. Use it to record ideas on cards, show relations with connectors, draw diagrams to express complex ideas, add images from the web or from your own hard drive. You can separate ideas by color and more.

Tracbac is a visual collaboration platform for designers and clients to interact over a modern browser. It succeeds in narrowing the gap between designers & clients by providing a rugged and easy to use collaboration platform. TracBac is web based and does not require installation of any software. A regular PC or Mac with a browser and an Internet connection is all it needs to get going.


Uhroo is the fastest and easiest way for teams to connect, share, collaborate, and stay on the same page. Uhuroo provides everything a team needs to share information, manage collaborations, and ensure that all their information and conversations remain secure and available.

Vyew is a free online meeting service that brings people and content together. Use Vyew to host live conferences or collaborate over time. Vyew is safe, reliable, and you don’t need to configure anything. All you need is a web browser (IE 6+, Firefox, or Safari).

WebOffice makes working together easier. You can share documents, calendars, information, and conduct live meetings from the office or the road. WebOffice brings together powerful, professional web-based business applications specifically designed to make collaboration easy and cost-effective. Everything you need to manage your business on the web is together in an integrated, centralized place.

Wrike a leader in on-demand Online Project Management. Wrike helps to save time for marketing agencies, software development teams, event organizers, publishers, financial services firms, process engineering companies and many others. Wrike is a Web application, so you do not need to download or install anything. Our patent-pending technology works with your e-mail client. So you can keep track of tasks with e-mail. Wrike can help you to turn e-mail overload into nice-looking project plans.

Writewith is a web-based software application designed for anyone who needs to work on a document with anyone else. Writewith.com can be used for office memos, group projects, news stories or even drafting a letter with a friend.

Yugma is a free web collaboration service that enables people to instantly connect over the Internet to communicate and share content and ideas using any application or software. Whether you are using Windows, Mac or Linux computer, you can connect on-demand and real-time with co-workers, clients, friends and family — regardless of whether they are across the city, nation or even the globe.

Zimbra is open source server and client software for messaging and collaboration - email, group calendaring, contacts, and web document management and authoring. The Zimbra server is available for Linux, Mac OS X, appliances, and virtualization platforms. The Zimbra Web 2.0 Ajax client runs on Firefox, Safari, and IE, and features easy integration / mash-ups of web portals, business applications, and VoIP using web services.

Zoho - offers a word processor with collaboration features, spreadsheet, presentation tool to create, edit, publish, and show presentations, wiki writer, notebook, project management, CRM solution, database creator, calendar, web conferencing, email and chat and more.
Creative Collaboration

Kalabo.net is an online service that allows musicians of all skill levels to collaboratively mix and modify each others original work. Download original free tunes from around the world. Mix the tunes or record your own tracks over them. Share the tunes with others to mix themselves

Glypho.com is a site dedicated to group writing of fiction.

Novlet.com is a web application designed to support collaborative writing of non-linear stories in any language. With Novlet you will be able to read stories written by other users, create your own ones, and choose the plot you like most from several alternatives. Novlet stories are divided in passages, text sections usually made of a few paragraphs: users can continue stories or add alternative storylines by creating their passages after existing ones. The only limit is your fantasy.

WebBrush it is on-line multi-user web application for creating and discussing some charts, diagrams, schemes, sketchs; discussing some ideas, projects, plans, tasks; sharing your photos, some graphical materials.

WriteMaps.com is a free web-based tool that allows you to create, edit, and share site maps online. As a WriteMaps user, you and your team will be able to build and access your site maps from anywhere, without having to rely on proprietary desktop apps and static files. To get started, take the tour or sign-up for an account!

Family and Social Collaboration


Cozi Central helps busy families manage schedules, appointments, shopping and communications from wherever you are — the kitchen, car, office or even the grocery store. Cozi Central is available as a software download and in a Web version.

Famundo for Families is your family hub, making your family’s schedule manageable and giving you control over your daily life. It offers Family Calendar, Address Book, Message Board and Family Library.

Grouptivity is a web service platform that replaces “email a friend”. Grouptivity provides web publishers visibility over the distributed web content, and monetization opportunities.
It provides a significantly better experience for your web visitors to share and discuss web content.

LooseStitch lets you create and share outliner documents, brainstorm ideas, jot them down, call friends over, get feedback, and many more.

Mecanbe lets you create, customize and share Goal-Lists to help advance in any area of life. You can rate your goal performance periodically and view charts of your ongoing progress.
Share strategies for success and help empower the rest of the world.

Stixy is an online bulletin board. You can create as many Stixyboards as you like, one for each project. UseStixy to easily organize and share: your family’s schedule, projects at work, an upcoming holiday, your photos, or share a file or two with a friend.

Wamily is a social collaboration application. You can use it for your group, team, family or club organization.



Bubbl.us is a simple and free web application that lets you brainstorm online. With bubbl.us you can create colorful mind maps online, share and work with friends, embed your mind map in your blog or website, email and print your mind map, save your mind map as an image .

Comapping is a tool for the globalized world where complex problems must be solved quickly and intelligently. This often implies that a team must collaborate to achieve the solution. Comapping unleashes the potential of such collaborations – even if the collaborators are separated by geographical and/or time-zones. It allows you to easily keep track of who should do what and when. It is straight-forward to agree on tasks while collaborating on how a specific challenge should be met.

Gliffy is free, easy and fun. It offers diagramming in your web browser without downloading additional software. You can add collaborators to your work and watch it grow. Link to published Gliffy drawings from your blog or wiki. Create many types of diagrams such as Flowcharts, UI wireframes, Floor plans, Network diagrams, UML diagrams, or any other simple drawing or diagram.

Kayuda provides many things to many people. Authors use it to create stories. Gamers use it to create campaigns. Businesses use it to collaborate on projects. Individuals use it to brainstorm ideas.

Mind42 is a browser based online mind mapping application. With mind42.com installing mindmapping tools is no longer needed- for a hassle-free mindmapping experience. Just open the browser and launch the application when needed. It allows to keep track of all your ideas, whether alone, with colleagues and friends or working together with the whole world.

Mindomo is a versatile Web-based mind mapping tool, delivering the capabilities of desktop mind mapping software in a Web browser - with no complex software to install or maintain.
Create, edit mind maps, and share them with your colleagues or your friends.

Mindmeister allows to create, manage and share mind maps online and access them anytime, from anywhere. In brainstorming mode, fellow MindMeisters from around the world (or just in different rooms) can simultaneously work on the same mind map - and see each other’s changes as they happen. Using integrated Skype calls, they can throw around new ideas and put them down on “paper” at the same time.

mashable上也有对协作工具的介绍——“Work Together: 60+ Collaborative Tools for Groups”。