星期五, 七月 25, 2008


Zaid Ali Alsagoff根据几年来他对高等教育的观察、自身的体验、学习及阅读,总结出构成优质教学的十项秘诀。然后利用三个工具(PowerPoint, Adobe Presente, Windows Movie Maker)将该体会制作成一个slidecast发布在TeacherTube上。
这三个软件的分工是:利用PowerPoint制作幻灯片,利用Adobe Presente录制声音,利用Windows Movie Maker再将利用前两个工具制作的PNG格式文件转换成的幻灯片与Mp3格式的声音文件进行整合,最后分别在YouTube、TeacherTube和Google Video上进行发布。

1. Passion激情:
“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires."-William Arthur Ward.
2. Explore探索:
“The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of young minds.” Anatole France.
3. Engage参与:
“After ten minutes, students attention will steadily drop, do something emotionally relevant at each 10 minute mark to regain attention.” Dr. John Medina
4. AHA啊哈:
Learning Pyramid. Students attention from passive to active: Lecture, Reading, Audiovisual, Demonstration, Discussion Group, Practice by Doing, Teaching Others.
第一项,即优质的教学是富有激情的,就像William Arthur Ward所说,平庸的老师只是告诉学生事实,好老师只是解释疑惑,优秀的教师是证明原理,而伟大的教师则是激发学生的热情。